Seeking to know, love and serve the Lord our God in a deeper way. Learning the truth and love of the Catholic faith, sharing what I learn as I am led to do, and doing what I can in my state of life to help raise up a Culture of Life.
Duet (SGA)
McKay shares his body in a hilarious and chaotic adventure in Stargate
Atlantis! Jack Baruzzini, Lisa Jones, Jeff Haecker, and Victor Lams discuss
the hu...
In Allegiance to Jesus Christ
The second chapter of the Rule of Carmel has this to say: *"In many and
various ways the holy fathers established how everyone, whatever his order
or ...
Choosing Happiness
I am really enjoying this book!
"If happiness occurs in the interior of a human and if that is where we
must work to obtain it, it follows that our happin...
Words of Wisdom for Lent
This is from my FSSP Latin Church Bulletin, and is so incredibly
insightful, I'm sharing it here. It is written by the pastor, an FSSP
priest whose line u...