HDMI Converters
No matter how good food is, if poison is mixed with it, it may cause the death of him who eats it. So it is with conversation. A single bad word, an evil action, an unbecoming joke, is often enough to harm one or more young listeners, and may later cause them to lose God's grace. – St. John Bosco "There are not one hundred people in the United States who hate The Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they wrongly perceive the Catholic Church to be"
Fulton J. Sheen Believing that CONTRACEPTION is OK, is believing a LIE. When persons justify this LIE, they are building their lives on a LIE. This LIE snowballs until, as far as the SANCTITY OF LIFE is concerned, "Anything goes". The Culture of Death BEGINS with a CONTRACEPTION MENTALITY.