Fr. Corapi announces he's leaving the priesthood :: Catholic News Agency (CNA) Joan's comments: I would like to warn my readers to not follow Fr. Corapi's new way of "leadership". He is failing
to wait out his time of persecution and he seems to be in rebellion. If he continues in ministry, he will be leading others astray. I am terribly sorry that he has been through so much persecution, but many Saints have also endured persecution and have patiently waited it out. His *life*, and our lives belong to our Lord Jesus Christ, who purchased his and our redemption with His Precious Blood, His incarnation, teaching, suffering, death and resurrection. Let's pray that Fr. Corapi will find where he has dropped his cross, pick it up again, and follow where Jesus is leading him, not where he seems to be going in a huff of indignation. We ALL need to pray for one another to persevere until the end.
All for the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, all through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, all in union with St. Joseph.